A wide shot of a high school against a bright blue sky.

Santa Fe Indian School in New Mexico received a $20 million grant to revitalize its 115-acre campus. The partnership will protect the grounds against flash flooding and provide opportunities for culturally relevant outdoor learning. 

The Santa Fe Indian School serves more than 700 students in its academic and community buildings, which will be protected by a series of bioswales and arroyos funded by the grant. They will slow the flow of water across the flood plains and reduce the effects of flash flooding.

Students from the Santa Fe Indian School designed their schoolyard as a place for recreation and to celebrate Indigenous foodways. This grant will weave student designs into the broader campus while mitigating the risk of floods, improving outdoor education spaces, integrating edible landscaping and agriculture into the landscaping and nature-based flood mitigation efforts, improving the flow of traffic and pedestrians, promoting positive public health outcomes, and providing workforce development. 


Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW, MIB-3610
Washington, DC 20240

Telephone: 202-941-0789