Environmental Management

The Branch of Environmental Management provides technical assistance and review of environmental compliance requirements for schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Education locations, including Tribally Controlled Schools, Bureau Operated School and residential boarding facilities. These activities include:

  • Technical Support: Provide technical guidance and support related to environmental management, including developing scope of work and estimates for projects. Providing support to school facility staff to address environmental compliance and remediation efforts, emergency for facilities.
  • Environmental Management System: The Indian Affairs uses the Environmental Management System (EMS) to manage environmental compliance and projects. The BIE BEM will manage and assist school in entries to the EMS.
  • Training: Provide training on environmental issues and maintain compliance, including  training require for certification. Subject of trainings include the EMS, Water Quality, Air Quality, Hazardous Waste, etc.
  • Coordination with other stakeholders: Provide coordination and facilitation with other stakeholders like USEPA, DFMC, BIA and schools on environmental issue such as compliance violation, remediation projects, etc.

Point of Contact:

Harold Clymo 
Supervisory Environmental Specialist  
Branch of Environmental Management 

Facilities Management

The Branch of Facility Management provides technical services, related to facility management for all of Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) locations, including Bureau Operated Schools (BOS), and Tribally Controlled Schools (TCS). The BFM team provides support and guidance to ensure a safe and reliable infrastructure, including school buildings, athletic playgrounds, utility systems, administration offices. The BFM provides technical assistance and guidance on the following:

  • Facility System Management: Staff assist with Minor Improvement & Repair, Facility Improvement & Repair, Deferred Maintenance, Quarters Improvement & Repair, Abatement Plans with Schools to address deficiencies, Maximo to process work orders in timely manner.
  • Technical Support: Provide technical guidance and support related to facilities, including developing scope of work and estimates. Providing support to school facility staff to address maintenance and operation of school facilities,  including emergency repairs for facilities.
  • Training: Provide training on facilities issues, including maintenance and operations, safety awareness, etc.
  • Coordination with other stakeholders: Provide coordination and facilitation with other stakeholders like the Division of Facilities Management and Construction (DFMC), BIA and schools on facilities issue such as space expansion request, design, and construction.

Point of Contact:

David Wohlers 
Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist
Branch of Facilities Management

Property Management

The Branch of Property Management serves to assure the appropriate use of federal personal and real property. BPM provide oversight, recommendations, and overall delegated responsibly of asset management and capital investments through the use of life cycle management of federal property. Branch goal is to maximizing asset preparation planning, accountability, and disposal for all locations with the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), including Bureau Operated Schools, and Tribally Operated Schools.

The BPM coordinates Bureau-wide implementation of Federal policy and regulations for acquisition consideration, sustainability, and reallocation of resources within assigned area of responsibility. BPM collaborates with other stakeholders such as Tribal Entities, Inter-government Federal and state agencies, and schools to address logistical deficiencies or coordination on inventory process. The BPM is responsible for providing guidance and technical assistance to BIE programs/schools to ensure compliance with the following activities/functions:

Technical Support: Provides technical guidance and support related to property management, including guidance on property classification, internal/external processes, and improvement projects. Providing support to school facility staff on personal and real property annual inventory reporting and certification. Direct support provided routine property actions such as: Hand receipt (DI-105), transfer (DI-104), excess Personal Property (DI-103), and assisting with Reports of Survey (DI-103a) processes.

Property Management System: Digital asset data management from planning, requisition review, receiving, encoding, maintenance, and disposal/retirement within FBMS database.

Motor Vehicle Fleet Management: Provides technical support in oversight of both GSA leased and Agency Owned Fleet asset required reporting, maintenance, vehicles recall, Fleet Credit card A/OPC, and utilization entry completion, serves as subject matter expert in supporting local Utilization Clerk (UC) training and letter of designation. Assists customers in planning for vehicle replacements and other acquisition documentation data.

Training: Provides training on property management and related issues, including Coordination with other stakeholders like BIA and schools to address deficiencies or coordination on inventory process.

Capital Planning for Personal Property Assets.

Real Property Management: Assists sister DFMS Branches technical support in Assets Under Construction (CIP-005), building/structure numbers, and building accountability.

Point of Contact:

Michael Soman 
Acting Supervisory Property Management Specialist 
Cell Phone: (505) 934-3954

Sarah Murphy, Program Support Assistant 
Cell Phone: (505) 362-2469

Regional Accountable Property Officers

Orrin Begay 
Property Management Specialist 
Cell phone: (505) 458-2948

Andrew Ainsworth 
Property Management Specialist 
Cell phone:505-934-1428

Leonard Henderson  
Property Management Specialist 
Cell phone: 505-458-2924

Loren Morgan 
Property Management Specialist 
Cell phone: 505-382-9876 

Branch of Safety Management

The Branch of Safety Management provides technical services related to the safety and health of all Bureau of Indian Education locations, including Tribally Controlled Schools (TCS) and Bureau Operated Schools (BOS). This includes the responsibility for employee safety, visitor safety, and, most importantly, the safety of the students entrusted to our care. The functions of the Branch of Safety Management include:

  • Hazard identification: This is achieved through onsite inspections, accident investigations, national trend analysis, and working relationships with key leaders at all levels within BIE.
  • Training: Safety awareness is the cornerstone of achieving participation in safety program management. Through training, Safety Management intends to emphasize the personal worth of safety to every individual throughout BIE.
  • Technical Support: Safety Management responds to requests from the field regarding predictable and unpredictable safety events. Safety Management helps to identify best practices and participates in developing local safety programs.
  • Accident/Incident prevention: Safety Management works with schools to ensure that they are aware of protective measures to avoid accidents and incidents in the workplace. Safety Management identifies sources for materials to improve prevention measures at BIE locations. Safety Management also provides recommendations on emerging technology in the safety field.

Please take a moment to complete our Branch of Safety Management Customer Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback is important! Thank you!
You can also report safety concerns at any BIE facility by emailing reportsafety@bie.edu


Program Documents

BIE Safety Office Org Chart and Contacts

IA - O&M Certificate of Occupancy Guidance

Memo-Commitment to BIE Schools-Healthy and Safe Environments(5/3/2018)

Memo to School Administrators re Safety Bulletin Board(5/3/2018), attachments listed below:

School Inspections


Fourth Quarter

Third Quarter


Fourth Quarter

Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) School Inspections for Fiscal Year 2019

These reports respond to the following language in the H. Rept. 115-765 - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, Appropriations Bill, 2019 which states:

Executive Direction and Administrative Services. The recommendation includes $224,880,000 for Executive Direction and Administrative Services. The following programs are funded at the requested levels: Assistant Secretary Support; Executive Direction, (Central); Executive Direction (Regional); Administrative Services (Central); Administrative Services (Regional); and Rentals. Indian Affairs is directed to complete annual health and safety inspections of all BIE system facilities, and to publish quarterly updates on the status of such inspections.


Helpful Links:

EPA Healthy Schools  

FEMA Multihazard Emergency Planning for Schools Toolkit  