The Grants Management Division (GMD) goal is to provide efficient, effective grant management and administration to our Tribally Controlled Schools (TCS) who receive grant funds under Public Law 100-297. The Grants Management Division strive to provide quality customer service and technical expertise that support our tribal stakeholders. In addition, the GMD works to provide our grantees (recipients) with guidance, training, financial management support and technical assistance.

Since the enactment of P.L. 100-297 Tribally Controlled Schools of 1988, the GMD has worked with over 130 school operation programs that are tribally controlled schools. Under Public Law 100-297, Indian tribes may enter into a Public Law 100-297 grant agreements with Indian Affairs (IA) if:

  • The tribe operates a school under a Public Law 93-638 contract agreement and elects instead to operate the school under a grant agreement.
  • The tribe operates other tribally controlled schools that are eligible for assistance; or
  • The tribe elects to assume operation of IA-funded schools under a grant agreement.
  • The GMD works with all Divisions to support the BIE mission.

Point of Contact: 

Dr. Kim Kahe Corkin

Supervisory Grants Management Officer 

School Grant Application & Guidance 

Application Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program Grant 2019-2021 

Effective November 1, 2019, the responsibility of TCS audits was transferred from the Grants specialists to the Bureau of Indian Education's Personnel Security Branch. Use the link below for more information. 

Personnel Security / Tribally Controlled Schools


P.L. 100-297, Elementary and Secondary School Improvement Act

P.L. 107-110 the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; Title X, Part D, Section 1043

25 CFR Part 44 - Grants Under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act

P.L. 93-638: Indian Self-Determination Act

25 CFR § 900 (Subparts F, H, I, N, P and 900.45): Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistant Act

2 CFR § 200 (Subparts D, E, and F): Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards

25 U.S.C § 3201 et seq.: Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Protection Act, as amended