Bureau of Indian Education Agency Plan

The Bureau of Indian Education’s (BIE) Agency Plan serves as a roadmap for school improvement and support to lowest performing schools, and provides Tribes, parents, and other stakeholders with quality transparent information about how the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) will be implemented in BIE-funded schools, particularly standards, assessments, and accountability system (SAAS).

Below are the links to BIE's Executive Summary, approved Agency Plan, SAAS and waiver process. 

BIE Agency (State) Plan (646.45 KB)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Title I Schools* are schools that fall into one of the following two categories:

1. The Lowest 5-Percent of Academically Achieving Schools

CSI identified schools are those that are ranked according to three-year test averages in English Language Arts and Mathematics and are among the lowest performing schools that re​present 5% of all schools eligible for identification. A school may exit CSI status if the school no longer meets the lowest 5% entrance criteria AND demonstrates an improvement in the overall state assessment score greater than or equal to 3% of the gap between the baseline state assessment score (the three-year average that led to the school’s identification) and 100. This 3% improvement must be demonstrated from the highest of the three state assessment scores used in the three-year average to the current state assessment score.

2. Low Graduation Rate High Schools

Low graduation rate high schools are those that are ranked according to three-year and four-year adjusted cohort graduation rates averaged and are less than or equal to 67%. A high school may exit Low Grad Rate status by attaining a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate greater than 67%.

* All BIE-funded schools operate Title I schoolwide programs.

BIE Consolidated Report Cards

Bureau of Indian Education 2019-2020 Report Card (536.77 KB) Bureau of Indian Education 2020-2021 Report Card (608.96 KB) Bureau Operated School PPE Report SY 2019-20 (2.25 MB)

School Report Cards