Separated Employee Information
This page provides more information for employees who are separating or separated and have questions about federal benefits.
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
Employee's is provided paperwork (e.g., SF-2821 and SF-2819) to convert federal group coverage to an individual policy. Employee remains covered for an additional 31 days after separation date. Additional information is available online at
Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
Loss of FEHB coverage other than by cancellation (including cancellation by nonpayment of premiums) provides the employee with a 31-day temporary extension of coverage, at no cost, in the same enrollment category held at separation. TCC (temporary continuation of coverage) takes effect on the day that the 31-day temporary extension of coverage ends. Coverage is retroactive to that date if the enrollment processing is completed later.
To enroll for TCC, complete Standard Form 2809, Employee Health Benefits Election Form (enclosed) and submit it to this HR Office within 60 days of the separation notice. Additional information is available online at
FEHB- Temporary Continuation of Coverage booklet
Federal Employees Dental & Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
Coverage through this program does not have a 31-day extended coverage after separation. The coverage ends the last day of the pay period in which the separation action is effective. Additional information is available online at
Long Term Care (LTC)
Long term care insurance coverage under the FLTCIP is portable. This means that once you have coverage under the FLTCIP and later are no longer a member of an eligible group, you can keep your coverage if you continue to pay the required premium and have not exhausted your maximum lifetime benefit. Additional information is available online at
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Health Care (HCFSA) or Limited Expense Health Care (LEX HCFSA) terminates as of the date of separation or retirement. There are no extensions. Any eligible health care expenses incurred prior to the date of separation will still be reimbursed but those incurred after the separation date are not reimbursable.
Dependent Care (DCFSA) remaining balance can continue to be used to pay for eligible dependent care expenses until account balance is depleted or the end of the calendar year, whichever comes first. Additional information is available online at
When an employee separates, generally we only maintain their Official Personnel Folders (OPFs) for 120 days after separation.
Separated employees who have at least 5 years of creditable ("covered by retirement deductions") service, may be eligible for deferred retirement. For deferred or postponed retirement, separated employees should contact the Office of Personnel Management at 888-767-6738 or Forms are available at - employee will need to know what retirement system they were under when employed (Civil Service CSRS or Federal Employee FERS)
If an employee has been separated for more than 1 year, they apply directly with OPM (address on the form itself).
Separated employees who have less than 5 years of creditable ("covered by retirement deductions") service, may elect to refund those retirement monies by completing the appropriate form and submitting directly to OPM (address on the form itself). Application for Refund of Retirement Contributions is the title of the form. Forms are available at - employee will need to know what retirement system they were under when employed (Civil Service CSRS or Federal Employee FERS)
Thrift Savings Plan
Thrift Savings Plan is similar to a 401(k) type of investment program. Employees have a variety of options for the funds after separation. Separated employees must submit online applicatino thorugh TSP Website -
Separated employees who have applied for their TSP funds and TSP has informed them that a "TSP Separation Code" is needed from last employing Agency, please contact your servicing Benefits Specialist with the following information name while employed; date of separation, email address, and contact phone number (so that we can gather additional required information).
TSP Separation codes cannot be mailed, emailed, called in, or faxed to TSP.
Copies of Prior Year W2s
Human Resources Office does not issue W2s, Interior Business Center - Payroll Operations issues W2s late January each year.
If you want the duplicate W-2 sent to an address other than the one to which it was originally mailed, you must make a written and signed request. Mail or fax the request directly to Customer Support Center at the following address:
Interior Business Center
Customer Support Center
Attention: Code D-2605
P.O. Box 25365
Denver, CO 80225
FAX 303-236-1011
Include your name (as it appears on your LES), your Social Security Number (last 4 digits only), your employer agency/organization, and a daytime telephone number to reach you in case we need additional information. Also, include the statement that you need a duplicate Form W-2 issued, your old and new mailing address, and the applicable tax year. Be sure to sign the request.
In most cases, the Customer Support Center will mail the duplicate to you within 24 working hours of receiving the request.
You may contact Interior Business Center - Payroll Operation at 1-866-367-1272
Option 3 for HR Applications, then Option 1 for payroll assistance.
Official Personnel Folder (OPF) for Separated Employees who have been separated for less than 120 days, may have an eOPF with BIE HRO.
Employment Verifications can be faxed to 505-563-5305 - Attn: Recruitment & Placement.
Long-term records documenting individuals' Federal careers are stored in the Official Personnel Folder. The employee received copies of these records when they were created. When an employee separates from the Federal service, the last employing agency sends the Official Personnel Folder to the National Personnel Records Center for storage. Normally, the agency sends the Folder within 120 days after the employee separates. The National Personnel Records Center retains the folders for 65 years after separation.
Former employees' request for copies of their personnel records must be in writing to the National Personnel Records Center. For the list of information to be included in the request, click here.
Employee Medical Folder (EMF)
Since 1984 the Employee Medical Folder has been used to store long-term occupational medical records that were created during an employee's Federal career. These records do not include records on claims filed under the Federal Employee's Compensation Act.
When an employee for whom there are long-term occupational medical records separates from Federal service, the last employing agency sends the Employee Medical Folder to the National Personnel Records Center. The National Personnel Records Center retains these Folders for 30 years after separation. Former employees' requests for copies of their Employee Medical Folder should be in writing, click here for more information.