School Inspections 

These reports respond to the following language in the H. Rept. 117-400 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2023 which states:

Executive Direction and Administrative Services. The recommendation includes money for Executive Direction and Administrative Services. The following programs are funded at the requested levels: Assistant Secretary Support; Executive Direction, (Central); Executive Direction (Regional); Administrative Services (Central); Administrative Services (Regional); and Rentals. Indian Affairs is directed to complete annual health and safety inspections of all BIE system facilities, and to publish quarterly updates on the status of such inspections.

2019 Annual Inspection Performance Summary 

2020 Annual Inspection Performance Summary 

2021 Annual Inspection Performance Summary 

2022 Annual Inspection Performance Summary 

2023 Annual Inspection Performance Summary 


BIE Budget Justifications & Performance Information