Following the Johnson-O'Malley Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernization Act of 2018, the Bureau of Indian Education will calculate annual JOM funding distributions based on the most recent student count of JOM-eligible students served by contractors. Beginning school year 2024-2025, the distribution of JOM funds will be determined by the number of eligible Indian students served the previous academic year.
A memorandum from the Sovereignty in Indian Education Program Manager on September 28, 2023, notified all current JOM contractor staff of this action. They also received the SY 2023-2024 JOM Student Count Report template, instructions for completing it and information on accessing technical assistance and training.
Under the JOM Modernization Act, any JOM contractor who fails to submit the annual report by the deadline will not receive funds for the school year 2024-2025. Since September 15, 2024, falls on a Sunday, the deadline for submitting the school year 2023-2024 JOM Student Count Report is extended to September 16, 2024.
Existing contracting parties may request technical assistance by contacting your JOM Program Specialist or Spike Bighorn at spike.bighorn@bie.edu.
Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW, MIB-3610
Washington, DC 20240
Telephone: 202-941-0789
Email: biecommunications@bie.edu