The National Fund for Excellence in American Indian Education grant program is dedicated to improving academic outcomes by expanding access to Native Language instruction for students enrolled in BIE schools. To advance this mission, in partnership with the Bureau of Indian Education, the Fund is excited to announce the availability of $6,500,000 in grant funding for BIE-funded schools. These grants aim to enhance existing language immersion programs or establish new initiatives that broaden access to Native language instruction and improve academic outcomes. The Fund will award between six to twelve grants to support the expansion of language immersion instruction.
To learn more and apply, visit https://www.nfeaie.org/native-language-immersion-grant-program.
Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW, MIB-3610
Washington, DC 20240
Telephone: 202-941-0789
Email: biecommunications@bie.edu