Section 504 Listening Session III – Saturday June 18th, 2022
Location: Havasupai Elementary School & via Microsoft Team Meeting
Time: 10:00 a.m. Supai/Arizona Time
Team Meets: Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only)
+1 360-970-9446,,201899920# United States, Olympia
Phone Conference ID: 201 899 920#
I. Greeting and General Introduction
II. Introductions – Who is present today?
III. Listening Session Time--Commentary related to Section 504 at Havasupai Elementary School
IV. Time for any written questions or comments that were received and any additional commentary.
V. Closing time and discuss the time and date for the next listening session.
** If you are interested in providing written commentary, please email Katharine.ford@bie.edu, with subject line HES Section 504 LS, no later than June 18, 2022, at 10 a.m. Supai time.
Door Prizes & Snacks will be Available!
504 Fast Facts for Families
What is a 504 Plan? A 504 plan is a plan of supports or accommodations for an individual with a disability which substantially limits one or more major life activity.
Who writes a 504 Plan? A team of individuals consisting of at least: a parent, the student if appropriate, the student’s teacher, a person knowledgeable about the evaluation data, the school’s Section 504 Coordinator, and a school administrator.
What does a 504 Plan do? A 504 Plan is part of a federal law. It is a plan for an individual with a disability to gain equal access to the educational program. In the educational setting, the 504 plan is usually a list of actions that the school and teachers take or implement to help the student.
Are a 504 and an IEP the same thing? No. Section 504 Plans and Individual Education Programs (IEP) are not the same. They are governed by different disability laws, have different standards, and use different requirements. Come discuss and learn more!
Note: We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with
disabilities, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact
Katharine Ford, at katharine.ford@bie.edu or (505)377-1554.
Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
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Washington, DC 20240
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Email: biecommunications@bie.edu