Dear Tribal Leader:
I am writing to invite you to participate in additional Tribal listening sessions on the Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) and the ISEP student transportation funding formulas and respective distribution methodologies. In addition, I have extended the comment deadline to March 31, 2024.
The purpose of these listening sessions is to advise the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) on the need for possible revisions to 25 C.F.R. Part 39 – Indian School Equalization Program. Under 25 U.S.C. § 2018(a), prior to publishing any proposed regulations and prior to establishing a negotiated rulemaking committee, BIE is required to convene regional meetings to consult with educators at BIE-operated schools and Tribal officials, parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members of Tribes served by BIE-funded schools to provide guidance to BIE on revisions to the regulations. These sessions, along with the previously held sessions, serve that purpose.
During the ISEP Tribal listening session portion, the BIE will review with you 25 CFR Part 39—Indian School Equalization Program. We are highly interested in hearing from you on the areas of concern on practices that need to be improved.
Below are some of the specific ISEP areas in which we will seek your input:
- Subpart B—Indian School Equalization Formula (ISEF)
- factors used in base and supplemental funding methodologies;
- gifted and talented programs;
- language development programs;
- small school adjustments;
- geographic isolation adjustments;
- ISEF base academic funding factors and for grades kindergarten through 12; and
- base residential funding factors for grades 1 through grade 12.
During the ISEP transportation listening session portion, BIE will provide an overview of 25 CFR Part 39, Subpart G—Student Transportation, and will seek your input on specific sections of the proposed regulatory amendments.
Below are some of the specific ISEP transportation areas in which we will seek your input:
- non-curricular transportation expenses;
- non-ISEP student eligibility;
- development of a contingency fund; and
- definition of the various road types outlined in the regulation.
These listening sessions seek additional input on opportunities for improvements and consider proposed regulatory amendments. These listening sessions are scheduled at the following date, time(s), and location listed on the chart below:
- Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) & ISEP Transportation | Wednesday, January 17, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) | Virtual Session. Register in advance here:
https://www.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJIsce-qqDkvHuVCrp6Mc8Y1f_c6-PVn4Qc - Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) & ISEP Transportation | Wednesday, February 7, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) | Gila River Resorts & Casinos, Room: Acacia CD, 5040 Wild Horse Pass Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85226
- Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) & ISEP Transportation | Monday, March 4, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (MT) | Navajo Preparatory School, 1220 W Apache St., Farmington, NM 87401
- Indian School Equalization Program (ISEP) & ISEP Transportation | Wednesday, March 6, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Central Standard Time) and Noon- 2:00 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) | Rushmore Hotel & Suites, Room: Roosevelt/Lincoln, 445 Mt Rushmore Rd., Rapid City, SD 57701
For additional details, please visit our BIE Consultation & Initiatives webpage at: www.bie.edu/landing-page/consultations-initiatives.
WRITTEN COMMENTS: Your written comments are welcomed on the ISEP and ISEP Transportation program by the extended comment deadline of March 31, 2024.
Please E-MAIL your comments to: consultation@bia.gov – SUBJECT LINE: ISEP and ISEP Transportation regulations.
OR send your comments by POSTAL MAIL to:
Sharon Pinto
Deputy Bureau Director
Bureau of Indian Education Building 2 - Suite 352
1011 Indian School Rd. NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
SUBJECT: ISEP and ISEP Transportation regulations
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Emmalani Longenecker, Special Assistant, School Operations, by email at emmalani.longenecker@bie.edu, or by telephone at (505) 563-5386.
Tony L. Dearman
Cc: Deputy Bureau Director, Division of School Operations
Associate Deputy Director, Bureau Operated Schools
Associate Deputy Director, Tribally Controlled Schools
Associate Deputy Director, Navajo Schools
Associate Deputy Director, Division of Performance and Accountability
Dr. Carmelia Becenti, Acting Chief Academic Officer
ISEP/ISEP Student Transportation Listening Session PowerPoint - Jan. 17, 2024
Office of Communications
Bureau of Indian Education Central Office
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street NW, MIB-3610
Washington, DC 20240
Telephone: 202-941-0789
Email: biecommunications@bie.edu