We will be selecting 5 authors of outstanding short stories. This short story contest to open to BIE students and AI/AN students nationwide. This contest will be held during the “winter time” according to the solstice, highlighting the importance of storytelling and the role winter time plays in AI/AN culture. A short story is a piece of fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and focuses on a self-contained incident or series of linked incidents, with the intent of evoking a single effect or mood.
Five Authors
The five winners of the event will participate in an individual zoom call with a Guest Author for a session to talk about their writing. Details for this session will be released in February. The winning short stories will be determined by Guest Author and other Identified Bureau of Indian Education staff members.
- Winners Will Be Contacted by March 12, 2021
- Selections Announced Nationally on March 20, 2021 on World Storytelling Day Guidelines
- Student is an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe.
- Winners will be asked to provide an official Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) card or other official tribal enrollment information with the student’s name, other identifying information such as date of birth or social security number, and an enrollment (membership) number from the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe.
- If you are not sure if your tribe is federally recognized, please refer to the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, website for “Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United State Bureau of Indian Affairs”. BIE does not research, or obtain membership verification on behalf of student applicants. The student is responsible for providing official verification of tribal enrollment from the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe. BIE reserves the right to verify official tribal enrollment documents with the BIA agency or federally recognized tribe
- Student Must Be Currently Enrolled in High School Grades 9-12.
- Short story must relate to one of the Accepted Theme Topics:
- Identity
- Community
- Winter Cultural Practices
- Short story must be your original work.
- Short story can be no longer than 5,000 words.
- No foul language or inappropriate material.
How to Enter
We request all submissions be entered in PDF format. Submission must include a signed and dated Submission Form with all information filled out. Incomplete Submission Forms will be not be accepted. You can find the submission forms here.
Submissions Sent to: socialmedia@bie.edu.
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Washington, DC 20240
United States