The BIE Branch of Environmental Management is offering free environmental compliance virtual training sessions to schools and BIE personnel. These sessions are open to all to attend. We strongly encourage school staff and administration to participate in the training courses. The information presented in these courses will help build and expand on their foundational environmental compliance knowledge base and help them maintain compliance at our BIE schools.

A 2-hour virtual training session on the Clean Water Act & Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements will take place on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025, at 2 p.m. ET.

Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements (6.37 MB)

To receive a calendar invite for this event, please fill out the registration form. Note: You can register for any or all of the sessions listed on the registration form, and an invite will be automatically added to your calendar for each session you register for.

Event Date

Thursday, January 9 2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern

Virtual Location

(Teams Meeting ID: 262 010 101 917 Participant Code: iizJMu)