The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) welcomes educators to its website. The success of our schools rests with our ability to provide a quality educational environment to our students during the course of the school year. Professional development and training is the key to providing quality educational services to our students. BIE Education Line Officers, School Superintendents, Principals, Teachers and Staff can access program guidance, templates, handbooks, and trainings provided in various formats, such as WebEx or PowerPoint to refresh your skills in certain areas. These documents and presentations are provided to supplement staff training throughout the school year.
Tribal Resources
- Directory of External Resources to Support Tribes - External Organizations that can be used to create a directory to support Tribes in their efforts "to oversee and implement successful educational programs."
McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
Education Jobs Fund (CFDA 84.410)
School Improvement Grant, Recovery Act Funds
Title I, Part A Formula Program Funds
Title II-D Enhancing Education through Technology
SDFSC Close Out Report 2010